Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We have a new website!

We have a new website:


All of my blogs and articles from other contributors will be available there!

An official press release will be released on July 4th!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Is Obama a looter or a dictator or both?

There seems to be contempt growing against the President of the United States lately and there is a laundry list of reasons why many Americans are becoming angry.

While President Obama probably deserves an Academy Award for his performance, (since that is what politics are all about, performances) it is high time for this man to start accepting reality and get serious. People in this country are suffering horribly from just about everything. Tens of millions of people are out of work, while the Federal Government continues to throw out false numbers of unemployment and that the economy has been recovering. More recently, the record breaking flooding and tornadoes that have been sweeping throughout the South and Mid West has affected an estimated 80 million people.

The residents in Joplin, Missouri have spent this last week digging through wreckage for deceased loved ones. Meanwhile, President Obama has spent the week vacationing throughout Europe drinking beers in Ireland and dining with the Queen of England, and making a complete ass of himself in the process.

Remember President Bush’s disgraceful response to Hurricane Katrina? Obama already had that similar experience with the BP oil disaster in the Gulf Coast last year. The natural disasters that have occurred recently in the South and Mid West may come back to haunt him come the 2012 election. True, he will be visiting Missouri on Sunday, but if you ask me, Obama should have stopped his European tour for the sake of the nation.

On another note, the President has also violated Federal Law. Under the War Powers Resolution, it requires Congressional approval to continue any further attacks on a country. In this case, it involves the two month long NATO attacks on Moammar Gaddafi’s regime in Libya. Under the law, the operation should have already stopped, but due to Obama’s little excursion to Europe, no action has been taken.

This is because the plan in Libya was to seize oil and it was concocted by Obama and his instigating little shrewish adviser, Samantha Power.

However, some members of Congress are more than a little concerned and calling this as nothing more than ripping the Constitution apart. Remember when Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich questioned Obama’s actions as an impeachable offense? Well this certainly should sum it up now.

This is also the first time we’ve had a U.S. President engaged in an apparent “conflict of interest” because he is also serving as Chairman of the United Nations Security Council. In President Obama’s fantasy land, he believes that these powers under the UN allow him to do whatever he wants with regards to other nations, without Congressional approval.

It’s no wonder why so many Americans are becoming so fed up with this man.

Seems like we have a President acting both as a looter and a dictator.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

More than 30,000 California prisoners to be released?

Here in California, we already have enough problems. A crippled State economy, unemployment over 12%, a budget deficit of $9.6 billion and more than $100 billion in long term financial obligations.

As if things couldn’t be any worse, on Monday the Supreme Court upheld a decision from a State Court that California prisons are increasingly becoming overcrowded and over 30,000 prisoners’ Eighth Amendment rights are being violated.

As far as I’m concerned they shouldn’t have any rights.

The court order is forcing California to address this problem within two years by either releasing prisoners onto the streets or to build new prison systems. Both of those bright ideas have problems though.

If inmates are released out onto the streets, more than likely they will do the same thing they were incarcerated for and crime will skyrocket. According to the Department of Justice, in 2010 the homicide rate alone in California fell to its lowest level since 1996. It declined 9.6% from 2009. This should be some kind of evidence that keeping these dirt-bags incarcerated shows that crime in California has declined.

And build new prison systems? Where will this money going to come from? California is fundamentally bankrupt.

While the State is currently looking into alternatives such as transferring some of these tens of thousands of prisoners to other States and perhaps even countries, there is a very real possibility that a good percentage of them will indeed be released onto the streets again. As usual, there will be some press release that these are prisoners with “good reputations” and “non-violent”. Yeah right.

I’m not sure exactly why our legislators and our courts are committed to supporting criminals and endorsing crime in general when they should be on the side of the innocent American.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Associated Press attacks Netanyahu’s speech

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of the United States Congress today commenting on Palestine and Israel, and if both States should return to 1967 borders. In other words, essentially force Israel to give up its land in favor of sharing it with the Palestinian people.

While President Obama is vacationing around Europe and spreading some BS that he’s now an Irishman, Netanyahu’s visit to the United States was to also send a clear message that “Israel can defend itself.”

It is interesting that every time Netanyahu comes to the United States, President Obama has other things he has to be doing.

But already, the news media is attacking Netanyahu. By way of example, the Associated Press stated that Israel is a leading recipient of more than $1 billion in military aid each year. Israel is a crucial ally in the Middle East, as was Egypt, before Obama apparently forgave that debt last week. Despite the assistance, Israel’s military is more than capable of defending itself, which is what Netanyahu was alluding to.

AP also said that Netanyahu was wrong with indicating “Israel will not negotiate with the Palestinian government backed by the Palestinian version of al-Qaeda.”

AP says that Hamas (which is backed by Palestine) and al-Qaeda have no connection. Really?

Maybe the AP apparently forgot that Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda, is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood which supports Hamas as well?

Furthermore, Netanyahu spoke heavily about wanting to reach a peaceful compromise with Palestine and said that while it would be extremely painful, it could be done. He noted that in the past, Israel has given up occupation of land in both Southern Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip. What did that leave Israel? With acts of terror from Hezbollah and Hamas.

Towards the closing of his speech, Netanyahu remarked that if Palestine is willing to sever its relationship with Hamas, then peace would be reached. But some of his comments about Israel keeping several territories have apparently upset Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who calls this nothing more than a “declaration of war”.

In short however, Netanyahu’s speech on stabilization and peace for the Jewish people in the Middle East was found to be very inspirational and welcoming. I’d prefer him as President of the United States any day.

Could we perhaps negotiate with Netanyahu and allow him to become President? We’ll just give Obama to the Middle East since he enjoys sympathizing with the Arab world so much.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Al-Qaeda leader comments on U.S. and Middle East upheaval

When Libya’s upheaval began in February, Moammar Gaddafi had indicated that al-Qaeda was responsible for destabilizing his country. This turned out to be factual after the Muslim Brotherhood crippled Egypt and removed Hosni Mubarak and the Brotherhood’s clerical leader called for an assassination of Gaddafi.

A piece on News24.com says that Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is presumed to be the new leader of al-Qaeda and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, posted an audio sound byte on the Libya situation a few days before Navy SEALS killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. The audio was posted on militant forms in which al-Zawahiri claims that NATO’s intervention in Libya is meant to remove Gaddafi and the United States will set up a ‘puppet government’ to control the country’s rich oil resources.

No surprise there. After all, the U.S. did the same thing in Iraq and Kosovo.

In this recording, Zawahiri gave high praise to Egyptians that were successful in toppling Mubarak in Egypt and that the Gaza Strip border should be opened. And what happened? The post-Mubarak Egypt supported Hamas and vowed to open up the Gaza Strip.

Zawahiri also called on Syria to remove its president, Bashar al-Assad. Interestingly, while al-Qaeda harbors resentment against countries in the Middle East like Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and Saudi Arabia which are associated with the United States, in the same aspect, al-Qaeda is indirectly supporting the U.S. because President Obama wants to see these dictators removed from power.

Of course that is exactly what al-Qaeda wants, as does the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah. In this unprecedented move, you have Sunni and Shiite Muslims actually working together to bring down the Middle East and remove Israel.

In another unbelievable move, President Obama said that the United States forgave Egypt’s $1 billion debt, while the rest of us in America continue to suffer. Maybe the President believes that once the U.S. controls Libya and seizes its oil rights, they’ll cross collateralize the loss of Egypt’s debt?

As usual, the ignorance by President Obama shows that this danger will continue to escalate. Why does this President continue to embrace terrorists and destabilization?

Friday, May 20, 2011

End the world starts tomorrow?

Tomorrow is Judgment Day according to Christians nationwide. For months now, you’ve probably seen the billboards or heard the radio advertisements “save the date” for May 21st. This is being promoted by Harold Camping of Family Radio and according to Camping, tomorrow will be the start of the first phase for the end of the world. Officially the end will come this October.

Skeptics however, whether they believe in God or not, are calling Camping’s bluff. Camping had stated that 1994 was to be the end of the world. He claims it was a mathematical error based on his findings in the Bible. The reason why Christians believe the end is here is because it welcomes the time of the rapture in which God will take his believers to heaven and the rest of us can live in a world of hell.

Call it what you may, whether you believe this or not, one does have to take into careful consideration with relation to significant events in the last year. We’ve had a major oil spill in the Gulf Coast, major earthquakes not only devastating the entire nation of Japan, but also in Haiti and Chile, recording breaking tornados and flooding damaging the mid-west and southern regions of the United States and the Middle East engulfed in unprecedented protests and violence. Could any of these catastrophic events actually hold validity?

Additionally, countries like North Korea and Iran have developed nuclear capabilities. Could we possibly see a nuclear war in the very near future? Certainly it is possible. For years now, Iran has been insisting on “wiping Israel off the map” by any means necessary and Iran has had close relations to terrorist groups including Hezbollah.

This came to light today when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made President Obama look like a total embarrassment after insisting Obama’s plans to allow Israel and Palestine to return to 1967 borders would never happen. Obama insists that the United States will work with Israel on peace talks between Palestine hopefully reaching a compromise by September. That is if Iran doesn’t blow up half the world in the meantime.

Obama’s hope to recognize Palestine as a legitimate nation by September is interesting though. It happens to be right around the time that the Christians say will be the final end date. Perhaps by then there will be a nuclear war? I’ll let you decide.

But if chaos really disrupts your Saturday plans by tomorrow evening, well then, kiss your weekend goodbye!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Obama’s ignorant Middle East speech

Today, President Obama made a speech at the height of killing al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, addressing the current situation in the Middle East and in particular the focal point of this being those so-called ‘peaceful protests’.

Unfortunately, the President is becoming increasingly arrogant on just about everything it seems like these days and the Middle East is just one of many on that long list.

He has now generated quite a bit of heat in endorsing a plan to demand Palestine and Israel to return to 1967 era borders. In other words, he wants Israel to share its current occupation with Palestine which would include the city of Jerusalem. This comes to light as last year; President Obama spoke at the United Nations hoping to recognize Palestine as a legitimate nation by September of 2011.

The clear motive behind the President’s ignorance is unclear, as Palestine currently occupies the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by the terrorist group Hamas.

One of President Obama’s most outspoken critics is the prime minister of Israel himself, Benjamin Netanyahu, who is insisting returning to the 1967 borders will do significant damage to Israel.

In another point of ignorance, the President hopes to see “many more” leaders being toppled, as we saw with Zine el Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and currently, NATO forces trying to remove Moammar Gaddafi in Libya.

Because of the removal of these leaders, the Middle East has opened its doors to an infestation of radicals and terrorists. The President has yet to issue any condemnation for Christian churches being burned in Egypt thanks to the so-called peaceful protesters, and has yet to acknowledge the fact that the Gaza Strip is now open or the Muslim Brotherhood’s increasingly majority in Egypt. The same Muslim Brotherhood calling for the "extermination of Jews". And, for the first time in 30 years, Egypt and Iran have resumed diplomatic relations to begin a phase in moving against Israel.

In response to the protests in Syria, Obama issued a warning to President Bashar Assad to either “lead his country or get out of the way”. Perhaps Obama isn’t aware of the relationship Syria has with Iran and its relationship with Hezbollah?

We can bash ruthless dictators all we want; the point is if they’re removed, we will see an increase in destabilization just as we have seen in Egypt.

The real question to be asked is: Why does Palestine want control of Israel? The religion of Islam within the text of the Qur’an only cites Mecca and Medina as its Holy Cities, not Jerusalem. Secondly, why does this President seem to harbor such resentment towards Israel? Why doesn’t he ever visit Israel?
Finally, does he even understand that the nations surrounding Israel are basically a pack of wolves?

Apparently not.