Tuesday, November 30, 2010

President Obama and Republican Congressional Leaders meet

As the Earmark Ban failed in the Senate today, Republican Congressional leaders met with President Obama to try and resolve differences over the Bush era tax cuts. Both the President and Republicans called the meeting 'very productive'. Maybe the President is trying to make an effort?

While Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell specifically stated that they were against any tax increases from when the rates were established in 2001 and 2003 which were set to expire at the end of this year, President Obama went on to say that he would oppose any permanent extension of tax cuts to individuals making more than $200,000, and $250,000 for couples.

While it should be somewhat of a good compliment to President Obama that he is working with Republicans, and even announced yesterday a freeze on pay to Federal Government workers who earn ridiculous salaries and pension funds, Republicans in the House seem to be tied with working on solutions in the coming year ahead, while trying to find a compromise in the Democratic controlled Senate.

Many Republicans would like to see the controversial Health Care Law that was shoved down the throats of every single American repealed, but don't beat on that. Democrats in the Senate have already made their decision on that and are standing firm, not to mention having it vetoed by President Obama, and it is unlikely that Congress would get a 2/3 majority vote to over-ride the President's power.

But obviously, the Health Care Law and future taxes will start coming into fruition and will need to be discussed extensively in Congress, not to mention trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities including Social Security and Medicare, and let's not forget about our $14 trillion and growing national debt that everyone is also suppose to pay back (at least that is what our Federal Government expects us to do, even though it will never be repaid).

Where is all of this money going to come from?

People are sick and tired of being taxed to death in this country, but somewhere along the line, they'll have to find the money, won't they?

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