California Governor Jerry Brown is continuing to push for more taxes, something that would most likely become nothing more than a burden for just about everyone in the State.
The Los Angeles Times reported on Friday that Governor Brown is insisting on pushing for a $25 billion cut in State services, if voters do not approve more taxes. Of course there is already more bickering up in Sacramento, as Democrats act like a bunch of rubber stamps anyway and a majority of Republicans signed a tax pledge last year vowing to vote against any tax hike period. However there are some Republican State Senators that Governor Brown says he can win over.
I guess some Republicans are able to show their true colors as a bunch of back stabbing worms.
But perhaps Governor Brown should take a lesson from Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Last week, the Wisconsin Assembly approved a bill to take away union rights. You know, the same unions that receive largely inflated pension funds and huge pay checks? And the same unions that are part of the problem as to why States across the nation continue to suffer financially because the tax payers are on the hook to pay for all of their crap?
It was amazing to finally see politicians do something which usually only receives talk and no walk.
Only if Governor Brown would take note of Wisconsin's unprecedented steps at real union reform, but the problem with Governor Brown is that he protects State unions, not to mention illegal aliens. The two huge factors that play a part in California's escalating financial crisis and yet he refuses to even acknowledge this. To him, it is all about raising taxes on Californians. No other alternative exists.
I wonder if Governor Brown has any conscious at all to the families in California? Thanks to the protests in the Middle East, gasoline prices have begun to skyrocket and if it continues, people will have to start spending less and California already suffers from 12% unemployment. I'd really like to know why Governor Brown thinks it is so necessary to add more fuel to the fire, instead of looking at alternative solutions to solve the problems that have cost this State an arm and a leg for decades now.
Take a lesson from Wisconsin, Governor Brown. At least they're actually doing something.
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