Monday, March 28, 2011

President Obama tonight

Tonight, President Obama will be speaking to the nation and offering some clarification as to why he sent troops into Libya, following the United Nations authorized "No-Fly Zone".

Since his decision to sent troops without the approval of Congress, the President has generated overwhelming heat from both Democrats and Republicans in Washington as to why he violated the U.S. Constitution.

This is the same President Obama who was quoted in the Boston Globe from December 2007 that "The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."

Apparently, then Senator Obama had knowledge about the Constitution. Obama as President? Not so much.

So tonight, the President should offer some answers to the American people as pertaining to his decision in doing so. Isn't it interesting that no U.S. military was needed in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and now Syria? Some of these countries have used force against their people as well, but a "No Fly Zone" was never called upon by the United Nations.

Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich made a valid point. We have spent far too much money in the Middle East with Afghanistan and Iraq. Now funding a war against another Middle East nation like Libya is something this country simply cannot afford. Kucinich is proposing a resolution to cease funding military action in Libya. Good!

But I'd take it that the real reason we're in Libya is to "protect European energy" since Italy and France want oil contracts. Interesting that President Obama's vacation in Brazil, he was promoting off shore oil drilling, but he won't promote that here in the United States.

While military action was taken on Libya, this President spent last week hopping all over South America for a pre-Spring Break vacation, and here at home we still have no federal budget because Republicans and Democrats have nothing to do and the country has for the most part, gone broke.

So tonight when the President speaks, you're going to hear a bunch of blathering as to the "real reasons" on Libya and it will not make any difference. From my viewpoint, whenever this President speaks, it is the equivalent of Charlie Brown's school teacher.

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