When Moammar Gaddafi indicated that Libyan civilians were being 'drugged by members of al-Qaeda', my first impression was that his comments about a terrorist network presence in his country was a load of BS, and that he was just babbling like any other insane dictator. Well, take it with a grain of salt.
It turns out, seeing that the Muslim Brotherhood presence in Egypt escalated after Hosni Mubarak's resignation, Gaddafi's comments are turning out to be completely true.
Libyan rebel forces have recruited Muslims from the terrorist group al-Qaeda to combat Gaddafi's regime. This means, the U.S. has in an essence have become allies of al-Qaeda. This is breathtaking.
The same terrorist group that orchestrated the 9/11 attacks on American soil, is committed to bringing down Gaddafi, with the assistance of U.S. military and the so called 'international community'. Do you think anyone in this Administration is going to admit that we have officially aligned ourselves with a terrorist network? Not in a million years, the mainstream news media and the left-wing 'supposed' 501 c 3 non-profit Media Matters for America, (also known as Media Matters Hates America) would never touch base on something like this.
Now some Libyan rebels are already expressing the belief that "not all al-Qaeda members are bad Muslims."
I beg to differ. Anyone that has an association whether it is al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood poses as a danger to the world. To be frank, the people associated with these organizations have absolutely no remorse anything. These are the kinds of creatures that cherish their barbaric lifestyle by kidnapping, torturing and murdering people, whether its Americans or Israelis, or anyone else for that matter.
Yet in a situation like this, we have indirectly aligned ourselves with a terrorist group that is committed to destroying America, just because President Obama felt that it was necessary to impose a No-Fly Zone on Libya which had no immediate threat to our national security.
By the way Mr. President, I understand there is violence going on in Yemen, Syria, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Will the UN decide to impose a No Fly Zone in those countries as well?
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