Monday, April 4, 2011

Eric Holder is a disgrace

Just moments ago, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder held a press conference at the Department of Justice in Washington to announce that the dirt-bag conspirators who orchestrated the 9/11 terrorist attacks will be held in a Military Tribunal court, instead of a civilian court.

That's a sigh of relief, as Holder and President Obama have stood by their original plan to hold a trial in civilian court right in Manhattan just blocks away from where the World Trade Center was destroyed.

However in today's press conference, Holder seemed extremely bitter about several things. He blamed Congress for intervening into the Administration's decision, saying that "They tied our hands in a way that could have serious ramifications. In reality, I know this case in a way that members of Congress do not. Do I know better than them? Yes." 

Apparently Mr. Holder has demonstrated that he is perhaps the most ineffective, ignorant and non-productive Attorney General in our nation's history. He should know that Congress has every right as representatives of the American people to add their opinion on this particular issue since it was the biggest tragedy in our nation's history and has deeply affected the families of those innocent people killed on that day. 

But Mr. Holder doesn't care anything about that. He seemed to ignore the fact that in several of the leading polls, more than 70% of Americans did not want the conspirators tried in a civilian court, much less in downtown Manhattan. And now, since Mr. Holder feels that the damn bipartisan Congress got in his way because they took into consideration the feelings of the American people, he is sour grapes about this.

Moreover, this circus involving Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and the rest of these despicable examples of humanity, has been delayed on a number of occasions because the Administration has yet to close Guantanamo Bay and they can't decide on which court would be more appropriate to hold a trial for these scumbags.

It has been almost ten years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on our country, and there is still too much talk and no walk. The Department of Justice could have picked any place to hold a trial, like out on a military base in Montana, or some deserted island south of Tahiti, and now after a year of wanting to hold the trial in New York City, Mr. Holder finally says they'll be held in a Military Tribunal instead of a civilian court and is adamantly angry about it.

Everything this Attorney General does is a complete disgrace. He refused to do anything about the Black Panther voter intimidation issue and refused to even read Arizona's illegal immigration law even though he spent an entire month criticizing it and now he stands by his original plan of trying the 9/11 conspirators in a civilian case, despite the fact that Congress listened to the will of the American people who didn't want them tried here in the first place.

Mr. Holder just go away. Please!

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