Thursday, April 14, 2011

Liberal Hypocrisy 101

Yesterday during President Obama's budget speech, which was nothing more than total boredom, specifically he made an attempt to address the nation's long term debt problems... the tune of nearly $15 trillion that is. His speech was so far-left leaning, that apparently it seemed as though it put Vice President Joe Biden asleep.

When it came to Obama criticizing Republican lawmakers for refusing to raise taxes, one of the comments that President Obama said was "those who benefited most from our way of life can afford to give a little bit more... I don't need another cut tax cut and Warren Buffett doesn't need another tax cut."

Now let's analyze the President's comments for a moment. He wants to raise taxes on the wealthy people in this country because they can afford to give a little bit more. Radio talk show host Michael Savage made a good point yesterday which is this: Let's say Congress imposed a 100% tax on the rich and we take away all earnings of $250,000 and above, this tax would net about $1.4 trillion. The end result is that would fund the federal government for a couple of months.

Did you also know that if Congress were to take the profits of every single Fortune 500 corporation in America which is roughly the tune of more than $400 billion and allocate those funds into the federal government, it would also only last a couple of months? So let's tax the major corporations and the wealthy people, and that money will be gone in just a few months. I rest my case.

So if the super rich in this country can't save us, then what is President Obama's real agenda? Anti-capitalism? Destroy a free-market economy? I guess so. 

By the way, General Electric, didn't pay any income tax this last fiscal year. Should I also mention that Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of GE is on President Obama's economic advisory board, and GE also owns the Obama cheerleading news channel MSNBC? Conflict of interest? Deal with the devil? Again, I rest my case.

But President Obama's hypocrisy and flat out ignorance doesn't stop there. His liberal and socialist philosophy is this ambition that the wealthy should support the programs in the Federal Government, and in turn support the welfare and the social rejects in this country. Not once did he acknowledge and give credit where credit is due, which is the billions of dollars tax payers have to shove out of their hard earned money to compensate for the benefits of illegal aliens. California alone pays nearly $10 billion a year in the cost of illegal immigration, something that has drastically destroyed the State's economy and without a doubt, has no chance of recovery. But I suppose in President Obama's book, compensating for illegal aliens, is the generous form of socialism.

Furthermore, President Obama has failed to show any sympathy or consideration towards my generation and the generations of people to follow who will be inheriting this massive debt caused by both he and former President George W. Bush.

On March 20th, 2006, then Senator Obama stated "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Yes, we deserve better. And raising the debt limit? Isn't that exactly what Obama's little weasel of a Treasury Secretary is trying to do as we speak? 

So just five years ago, Obama showed remorse towards my generation over the country's reckless spending under Bush and a then-Republican controlled Congress, but totally refuses to acknowledge the reckless spending under his reign over the last two years and a Congress presided under Nancy Pelosi, who couldn't even pass the damn budget when it came due in September!

By the way, Mrs. Pelosi thinks "elections shouldn't matter as much as they do."  Moammar Gaddafi would be so proud, I'm sure. After all, Libya doesn't have any elections!

In the end, I really wish President Obama would have just come clean and admit to his anti-American stance. Please Mr. President, just say that the country is screwed and there is no way out. Not through higher taxes and not through the massive spending. You people in Washington can't even strike a balance between either of the two, much less address the problems alone. 

It is really getting pretty old, having to hear the constant hypocrisy and failing to address the issues this country is facing, and President Obama is simply embarrassing this country on every single point. Right now the United States is like the Titanic. We've already hit the iceberg and we're slowly sinking, but Obama is standing up there in the ship's bridge smiling and saying "its unsinkable!" 

Oh well! Tomorrow, lets see if we can survive in the frigid icy waters.


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