Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Associated Press attacks Netanyahu’s speech

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of the United States Congress today commenting on Palestine and Israel, and if both States should return to 1967 borders. In other words, essentially force Israel to give up its land in favor of sharing it with the Palestinian people.

While President Obama is vacationing around Europe and spreading some BS that he’s now an Irishman, Netanyahu’s visit to the United States was to also send a clear message that “Israel can defend itself.”

It is interesting that every time Netanyahu comes to the United States, President Obama has other things he has to be doing.

But already, the news media is attacking Netanyahu. By way of example, the Associated Press stated that Israel is a leading recipient of more than $1 billion in military aid each year. Israel is a crucial ally in the Middle East, as was Egypt, before Obama apparently forgave that debt last week. Despite the assistance, Israel’s military is more than capable of defending itself, which is what Netanyahu was alluding to.

AP also said that Netanyahu was wrong with indicating “Israel will not negotiate with the Palestinian government backed by the Palestinian version of al-Qaeda.”

AP says that Hamas (which is backed by Palestine) and al-Qaeda have no connection. Really?

Maybe the AP apparently forgot that Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda, is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood which supports Hamas as well?

Furthermore, Netanyahu spoke heavily about wanting to reach a peaceful compromise with Palestine and said that while it would be extremely painful, it could be done. He noted that in the past, Israel has given up occupation of land in both Southern Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip. What did that leave Israel? With acts of terror from Hezbollah and Hamas.

Towards the closing of his speech, Netanyahu remarked that if Palestine is willing to sever its relationship with Hamas, then peace would be reached. But some of his comments about Israel keeping several territories have apparently upset Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who calls this nothing more than a “declaration of war”.

In short however, Netanyahu’s speech on stabilization and peace for the Jewish people in the Middle East was found to be very inspirational and welcoming. I’d prefer him as President of the United States any day.

Could we perhaps negotiate with Netanyahu and allow him to become President? We’ll just give Obama to the Middle East since he enjoys sympathizing with the Arab world so much.

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