Thursday, May 19, 2011

Obama’s ignorant Middle East speech

Today, President Obama made a speech at the height of killing al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, addressing the current situation in the Middle East and in particular the focal point of this being those so-called ‘peaceful protests’.

Unfortunately, the President is becoming increasingly arrogant on just about everything it seems like these days and the Middle East is just one of many on that long list.

He has now generated quite a bit of heat in endorsing a plan to demand Palestine and Israel to return to 1967 era borders. In other words, he wants Israel to share its current occupation with Palestine which would include the city of Jerusalem. This comes to light as last year; President Obama spoke at the United Nations hoping to recognize Palestine as a legitimate nation by September of 2011.

The clear motive behind the President’s ignorance is unclear, as Palestine currently occupies the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by the terrorist group Hamas.

One of President Obama’s most outspoken critics is the prime minister of Israel himself, Benjamin Netanyahu, who is insisting returning to the 1967 borders will do significant damage to Israel.

In another point of ignorance, the President hopes to see “many more” leaders being toppled, as we saw with Zine el Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and currently, NATO forces trying to remove Moammar Gaddafi in Libya.

Because of the removal of these leaders, the Middle East has opened its doors to an infestation of radicals and terrorists. The President has yet to issue any condemnation for Christian churches being burned in Egypt thanks to the so-called peaceful protesters, and has yet to acknowledge the fact that the Gaza Strip is now open or the Muslim Brotherhood’s increasingly majority in Egypt. The same Muslim Brotherhood calling for the "extermination of Jews". And, for the first time in 30 years, Egypt and Iran have resumed diplomatic relations to begin a phase in moving against Israel.

In response to the protests in Syria, Obama issued a warning to President Bashar Assad to either “lead his country or get out of the way”. Perhaps Obama isn’t aware of the relationship Syria has with Iran and its relationship with Hezbollah?

We can bash ruthless dictators all we want; the point is if they’re removed, we will see an increase in destabilization just as we have seen in Egypt.

The real question to be asked is: Why does Palestine want control of Israel? The religion of Islam within the text of the Qur’an only cites Mecca and Medina as its Holy Cities, not Jerusalem. Secondly, why does this President seem to harbor such resentment towards Israel? Why doesn’t he ever visit Israel?
Finally, does he even understand that the nations surrounding Israel are basically a pack of wolves?

Apparently not.

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