Despite the Obama Administration's earlier claims this last year that sufficient improvements to make Afghanistan a solvent country again was working, recent UN maps seem to contradict those claims. These maps are used to help monitor areas of danger in the country and to help NATO address those areas which are dominated by the Taliban.
According to the United Nations, the two maps demonstrated a vast deterioration in certain parts of Afghanistan specifically in areas in battle grounds between NATO troops (which two thirds are from the United States) and the Taliban, as well as under developed parts of the country.
If only things could get worse.
Many will remember President Obama, during his campaign, saying he would pull troops out of Afghanistan in his first term. Well, he failed to live up to his promise to all of his liberal supporters. Instead, he announced to deploy 30,000 additional troops and to work with NATO on its new exit strategy, while continuously saying that the country is trying to stabilize itself and is working towards improvements. The Administration says that they will now pull out by 2014, turn it over to Afghan forces, who will begin to restructure Afghanistan in an effort to become a solvent country, for once.
Like that will ever happen.
Everybody knows by now that Afghanistan has failed considerably over the last three decades to become a stabilized democratic country. Does the President honestly believe that by the time the United States pulls out of Afghanistan, that there will be a newly installed democratic government? Apparently he does. Both the Bush Administration and the Obama Administration, as well as the Defense Department has mentioned this time and time again. Overthrow the bad government and form a free democratic government.
Wasn't that what we did with Iraq? How did that work out? Not so well, thus far.
Bottom line in my viewpoint is that this particular region of the world is inhabited by radical Islamic and terrorist groups, despicable individuals who cherish their barbarianism and mutant lifestyle.
If indeed the day does come in 2014 that a new government is put in place in Afghanistan, the Taliban and al-Qaeda, or mutants, whatever you wish to call them, can simply recruit new members and go back and take control of it all over again. It has happened many times before.
Same pattern, different era.
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