Friday, December 24, 2010

Last minute Christmas shopping

Today is Christmas Eve and it looks like all of those last minute shoppers will be piling into stores and malls just about everywhere.

And what a fiasco and headache it will probably be. There will be arguing and fighting among shoppers, I'm sure. Trying to fight your way into getting that last George Foreman grill for your father or buying that last framed poster of Taylor Lautner from the Twilight film series for your daughter.

Isn't Christmas shopping so much fun?

Some of these last minute holiday shoppers are just taking advantage of the special deals, others quite frankly don't even care, they just need to buy something so they don't feel resentment from particular family members on Christmas morning.

But retailers are loving it, because it means they will do phenomenal business the day before Christmas. Short of like a "second Black Friday". If you've got kids, Christmas would not be the same if you didn't buy them loads of toys, so Toys R Us has kept all of their stores open for the last 88 straight hours, up until 10 PM tonight!

The National Retail Federation is anticipating that holiday sales will reach $450 billion this year, which is a jump to 3.3% over last year, considering how bad the economy has been for people nationwide. Despite this, people are certainly in the holiday spirit. While others purchase the typical gift cards as a last minute effort or just a holiday card, people are trying to roll in the impact of the economy and conserve their money accordingly. When times are rough at Christmas, people still feel inclined to buy someone something to make them feel more at ease.

Just a recommendation though, if you do happen to get into a confrontation with someone over buying that last Mr. Coffee machine at Wal-Mart, just walk away and go some place else that will have a better price.

Wouldn't want to spend the holidays in jail for knocking someone out.

Merry Christmas!

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