Monday, December 13, 2010

Obama healthcare bill faces "blood clot"

Today, U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson in Richmond, Virginia became the first judge thus far to challenge President Obama's historical, yet controversial Health Care Bill that was signed into law earlier this year.

In his ruling, Judge Hudson concluded that the provision of mandating every single American to carry health insurance was unconstitutional, adding that "it is beyond the historical reach of the Commerce Clause".

Yet of course, as always, President Obama remains optimistic, having two Federal Judges ruling that the Health Care Bill is constitutional. I think we can certainly see where this is already going. The Democratic Federal Judges will no doubt serve as rubber stamps of the Obama Administration and rule in favor of the bill, while most likely, the Republican Federal Judges will deem it otherwise.

While the bill is on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, we're already seeing that one ruling is forming a 'blood clot' in preventing the Health Care Law from being fully implemented, especially when it comes to the mandate of health insurance, which begins in 2014.

It is a real shame that nobody in Congress nor this Administration even concentrated on the notion of developing the simple 'public option' when it comes to Health Care. What is the problem of developing a system that IF Americans want to pay into it, they have that choice; if they don't, then they shouldn't have too. If they want to keep their own Health Insurance Provider, they should have that choice, if they don't want Health Insurance, then they should have that choice. If they want to choose their own doctor or hospital, they have that right.

But apparently, this never really set into the mind of the President, instead, he found it necessary to go one step further by adding some ridiculous provision that says every single American MUST carry health insurance, and how the Bill would be funded is astounding, considering that the entire country continues to spend money rapidly, and is near bankrupt. Hell, why not try to stop the bleeding there?

I think people could agree on the notion that we believe Health Insurance Companies are indeed dishonest at times, and never fully provide coverage for all medical requirements, but I think the public option would have allowed people what ever choice they wanted when it came to Health Care.

Obviously, if you're a multi-millionaire and you happen to receive some kind of medical treatment, chances are, you do not necessarily need health insurance if you can afford it on your own terms.

But again, it should be entirely up to you... not the Government.

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