Friday, April 29, 2011

Fed insists more time is needed for economic improvement

While the attention of most Americans had been diverted this week either because of Donald Trump taking credit for “discovering” President Obama’s birth certificate, or Prince William and Kate’s Royal Wedding in Britain, we have an incompetent Federal Reserve that is completely out of control.

The International Monetary Fund stated on Monday that China will be the world’s largest economy by 2013, surpassing the United States because of the Fed’s reckless monetary and fiscal policies.

So I guess this information prompted Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to do something for the first time in the Fed's entire history: Hold a press conference to address our nation’s economy, inflation and how we seemingly print money out of thin air.

Of course I’m joking. Do you really think Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke would spend his time vigorously addressing any of those issues?

At least on more than one occasion this year, the Obama Administration insisted major growth of our economy. Not true. According to Ben Bernanke, anyway.

Bernanke did say that the United States economy grew by a mere 1.8% in the first three months, but has not recovered from the deep recession stemming from 2008. Additionally, the nation’s unemployment is now 8.8% from 10% it was over a year ago. However, this has been employment growth has been in the public sector, not the private sector, as the government would want you to believe.

Bernanke also indicated that housing markets are still in decline and families continue to face foreclosures nationwide.

Despite the fact that he is slightly coming clean about our continued depressed state of affairs and that our $1 trillion deficit and $14 trillion national debt is unsustainable, Bernanke still wants Americans to buy into his philosophy that everything will be fine and dandy. If anyone actually does buy into Chairman Bernanke’s thoughts on our nation’s economy, maybe they need to be drug tested. This is the same Ben Bernanke, who in 2005, mentioned that housing prices would not drop substantially, and the same Ben Bernanke, who during the sub-prime mortgage crisis, said that those housing issues would not spread into larger mortgage markets, which were believed to have been much healthier.

The man’s track record and countless lies are simply incredible. How much time does Bernanke need to improve the U.S. economy? He says there is little control over gasoline prices, but the Fed continues quantitative easing and yet the dollar continues in rapid decline.  Does any of this make sense? Has he taken economics 101?

Despite the current problems with inflation and devaluing of the dollar, the Fed had absolutely no problem on transferring more than $550 billion to central banks overseas that Americans have never even heard of.

I hope Congressman Ron Paul is able to gather enough co-sponsors so that legislation will be introduced to look into the Fed’s policies and an internal audit conducted to see what the hell has been going in this counterfeit operation. Many Americans, I'm sure will be furious. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mass graves uncovered in Mexico

Well it is apparent that the Mexico drug cartel violence isn’t ending anytime soon. The Mexican military is largely outnumbered and over 35,000 people have been killed since 2006 when President Felipe Calderon declared war on the drug cartels throughout his country.

Now, the violence is becoming so bad, that cartel members in certain cities are simply murdering people just for the shill thrill of trying to obtain power. It used to be that cartels would target wealthy people. Now they're even targeting poverty stricken families who don't even have the money to pay ransom demands by some of these ruthless members.

The cartel organizations are known for mutilating, shooting and beheading citizens and tourists, but in the latest episode of the Mexican military and police force investigating the cartels resulted in uncovering mass graves where nearly 200 people and is now being called the worst discovery since the crackdowns began in 2006.

Based on the investigation, the people that were found in the graves were passengers on a migrant worker bus headed to the United States where they were ambushed by drug cartel members, pulled off the bus and beaten to death with a sledgehammer.

Imagine. You’re riding on the bus with a group of people; then the bus abruptly stops and gets ambushed by a few drug cartel members and you have to watch the person that was sitting next to you get his or her head bashed in, with the grave reality that you will be next.

This is really becoming a serious problem. While the so called “peaceful international community” of the United Nations imposes sanctions on Libya, our own President and Congress does nothing about sealing our borders with Mexico. People are being slaughtered on the streets of Mexico every other day. No sanctions there? How ironic.

This Congress has the fiduciary duty to uphold the Constitution and establish law and the President is to enforce those laws. Our American rule of law has been quite clear. If you are an illegal alien in this country, you simply don’t belong here. Both parties in Congress and President Obama, like President Bush, have done nothing to enforce those laws that already exist.

President Obama recently spoke at one of his preliminary re-election campaigns basically implying that it really doesn’t matter where you come from, we’re all Americans. It is patently absurd. I don’t know about the rest of the idiots in the Federal Government who are too lazy to do their jobs, but I don’t want to be living in a society infested with ruthless and violent drug cartel members.

If you think that these passengers on a migrant bus who were brutally murdered by drug cartel members can’t happen in America, think again. The cartel presence already exists in dozens of U.S. cities and is rapidly spreading like a fatal cancer.

Honestly, how many more innocent people need to be murdered just to make this President happy?

Monday, April 25, 2011

The beginnings of an Islamic Caliphate?

There is an old saying “better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t know.”

It has been three months since the start of the Arab world protests, which has rippled throughout North Africa and the Middle East. Now, many leaders in the world are apparently more concerned than ever, with the growing possibility of an Islamic Caliphate taking form. This of course means the introduction of Shariah Law.

Many of course will argue that the protests are nothing more than pure Democratic revolutions and that the citizens in these countries, seemingly fed up with dictatorships, want a free and open society. This is true to some extent, by example, the man that fatally set himself on fire in Tunisia, eventually erupted in protests resulting in the ouster of President Zine Ben Ali.

But now, Al-Jazerra reported earlier last week, that political Islam may be on the rise in Tunisia.

The same can be said for Egypt. Despite being a dictator and whatever some may think of now former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, under his regime, this country remained the United States most loyal ally in the Middle East region, and the only country that kept the peace with Israel. When the protests began in Egypt, many people in the news media suggested that they had successfully arranged this by promoting a pro-Democratic movement via Facebook and Twitter.

After Mubarak’s departure, the Clerical Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a man who was banned from Egypt, is allowed to re-enter the country and spoke before the crowd protesters in Cairo encouraging the unification of Muslims and promoting the death of Israel.  

The Quran teaches Muslims to not find against fellow Muslims, another reason as to why the Muslim Brotherhood has had very close ties with Hamas and al-Qaeda, which is predominately Sunni and Hezbollah, which is Shiite.

Qaradawi also issued a Fatwa against Moammar Gaddafi and what happened in Libya? More protests that has resulted in an armed conflict with Gaddafi’s forces and military intervention from the United States and NATO, and is becoming nothing more than a disaster.

It also took President Obama 10 full days to finally condemn the actions in Libya, and refused to even mentioning Gaddafi by name. Yet when the protests were continuing in Egypt, Obama went on for days “Mubarak must go!”

If President Obama is really that brain dead on the Middle East, you really have to ask yourself what is the reason NATO intervened in Libya? Well, we know France and Italy want those oil contracts.
Gaddafi also alluded to the fact that al-Qaeda was involved in his country’s uprising, yet Senator John McCain visited Libya over this last weekend and insisted al-Qaeda does not have a presence in Libya at all. Oh really Senator? Did the so called ‘rebels’ really tell you that? You think that they would have admitted the truth to someone representing in the United States?

Now the Middle East has been experiencing major uprisings in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen and Syria, among other nations.

Syria has reported the deaths of at least 100 people and Yemen’s long time president Ali Abdullah Saleh has stated he will give up power by the end of May. Interesting how the military in Syria is combating its people and yet the United Nations is not declaring a ‘No-Fly Zone’ like what took place in Libya.

Perhaps the most significant of all is Iran. The Hitler-wannabe Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated for years that the end of Israel will happen and they have spent so much money in trade with Russia to get a nuclear program going.

Press TV has been reporting on new developing relations between Egypt and Iran for the first time in since 1980. Isn’t it interesting that in 1981 was when Mubarak assumed the Presidency in Egypt, and right after he is thrown out of office, Iran and Egypt want to form a new alliance? Is all of this some bizarre coincidence? Not for a moment.

Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims have two primary goals. Obey Allah and destroy Israel. The Muslim Brotherhood is trying to unite Muslims to form the Caliphate that existed during the time of the Prophet Mohammed and introduce Shariah Law.

If Egypt and Iran’s developing relations continue to go unchecked and if the governments of Yemen, Syria and Saudi Arabia are eventually overthrown, then we will see a radical increase of continuing threats and possibly wars against Israel and the United States.

Again, whatever you may think of ruthless dictators like Gaddafi or Mubarak, I think I would rather live in a world where they are still in power, than to live in a world that may very well be conquered by radical Islam, resulting in a Caliphate.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Egypt and Iran bridge relations?

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that Egypt and Iran have bridged diplomatic relations for the first time in 30 years, ever since Egypt had signed a peace treaty with Israel.

However, Iran and Egypt respectively, have been denying such comments that they had begun smoothing out relations, even though Egypt’s foreign minister had stated in Cairo, that both countries where taking steps to re-establish ties.

Either way you look at it, the situation offers some rather disturbing scenarios as to what is really going on in the Middle East at the height of the unrest spreading from country to country.

For years, Egypt had been the only country to help stabilize the peace with Israel. However, since the collapse of President Hosni Mubarak’s regime in February, there has been more than enough concern as to whether the presence of the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate relations within Egypt’s new government, which is predominately Sunni Muslims and the Shiite Iran.

Historically speaking, Sunnis and Shiite Muslims do not get along, however the Muslim Brotherhood believes Muslims are not supposed to fight fellow Muslims and theoretically return to their earlier roots at the time of the prophet Mohammad.

But the Sunnis and Shiites do share one common goal: Destroy Israel and the United States.

Meanwhile here in at home, we have a completely incompetent President that refuses to address the destabilization of the Middle East. Perhaps he really doesn’t care? Perhaps it is just better off for the Arab world to fight against one another and then unite to destroy Israel and then ignore the problem?

Nobody seems to know what is really going on in this man’s head.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New York wants to ban dodge ball?

New York State Department of Health released a list of games that were deemed "too risky" for kids to play. The list was in response to a State Law that was passed in 2009 which was created to provide more oversight and regulation to summer camps, as if the New York State Legislature doesn't have anything more important to do with their time right now.

Some State laws are becoming so ridiculous that you're nearly on the verge of exploding...

The list of games that the New York Department of Health wants to ban:

- Dodge Ball
- Kick Ball
- Wiffle Ball
- Freeze Tag
- Red Rover

Yes, even Red Rover, Red Rover, please send some one right over and kill me because I can't believe I actually read this article in TIME magazine from yesterday...

The Health Department thinks that these games are so risky, they are imposing a $200 filing fee if they are even played at summer camp.

These are the same government regulators that say school cafeterias cannot have coke, or anything deemed fattening. No sweets and no foods with high cholesterol. Yet, while the same government regulators whine all day about higher obesity in kids, they're essentially taking away the play activities that are designed to keep them active and energetic. Simply hypocritical and simply unbelievable.

Meanwhile, The State of New York continues to experience an escalating budget crisis and unemployment problems. Is banning dodge ball now the top priority for Governor Andrew Cuomo?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Debt ceiling doesn't exist?

For the last month or so, we've been hearing from the circus in Washington D.C., about our nation's dire financial issues. The fact is that we have a national debt of nearly $15 trillion and more than $100 trillion in unfunded financial liabilities. As everyone knows by now, this nation has endlessly borrowed so much money and accumulated so much debt, that it is inevitable sometime down the road, the country may be entirely untenable, whereas a default is likely to be anticipated.

But President Obama's little weasel of a Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has been attempting to stop a default from happening. He's been pleading with Congress all month to approve raising the debt ceiling and it is apparent that in the coming days, if the debt ceiling is not raised, the United States will not be able to pay its bills and we'll all be in for perhaps another severe economic collapse.

Now hear is something very intriguing. According to Professor Antony Davis at Duquesne University Donahue School of Business, he says that the so called 'debt ceiling' really doesn't exist and that Americans shouldn't waste time listening to all of the lies coming out of Washington.

Davis says that since 1970, Congress has raised the debt ceiling limit more than 70 times and says it is nothing more than a complete work of fiction. If you are anticipating a default, you simply stir up a bunch of scare tactics and then you raise the barrier bar, by a few notches.

Furthermore, Davis implies that since 1969, Federal income tax ranged from 77% to a low of just a slender 28% in the early 1990's and then going up and down between 30% to 40% from 1993 to 2010. Federal revenues from 1969 to 2010 remained about the same, an average of roughly 18% of GDP.

In short, Davis suggests that the Federal Government really has no control over its own revenue. He adds that if the tax brackets are actually fixed, then it is completely obvious that our so called debt problem is really nothing more than spending problem.

Despite this, it looks like Geithner has the Republican lawmakers in the House, deep in his pockets. No pun intended.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Schwarzenegger feels depressed because he isn’t young

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger seems to be enjoying his lifestyle since leaving office in January. He’s been traveling, and meeting with his old pals in Hollywood and even became a superhero in a new comic book series called “The Governator”.

However, Schwarzenegger has been down as of late, because he feels that he isn’t young anymore. He tells Newsweek that he feels “so shitty when he looks in the mirror.”

As he should.

This former has-been actor left the State of California in a massive economic crisis and did nothing to work with the State Legislature on addressing huge problems, things like illegal aliens flooding the State every year, which tax payers have to pay billions for, or the outrageous pension funds to State employee unions, that again, tax payers can’t afford any longer. As a result, thanks to both Schwarzenegger, his predecessor Gray Davis and our idiots in the State Assembly and Senate, California continues to struggle with a $26 billion budget deficit, more than $200 billion in long term liabilities and state unemployment at about 12%.

Furthermore, CBS last week caught up with Schwarzenegger while he was in Hollywood and was asked once again, about his decision for reducing the prison sentence of Esteban Nunez, the son of former State Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, for the murder of college student Luis Santos. This was a decision that Schwarzenegger made in his last days in office. His flat out arrogance and ignorance to refuse to offer any explanation was beyond incredible, simply giving CBS the “snore sound”.

Now, all the while, Schwarzenegger runs around the world somehow feeling proud and relaxed about his so-called accomplishments while he was in office, but more importantly, he’s depressed because he isn’t young anymore.

The truth of the matter is he simply accomplished nothing during his reign in California and his decision to reduce Nunez’s prison term was obviously political motivated.

Maybe one of these days that decision will really start to haunt him, instead of whining over his disappearing good looks. This way, the next time he looks into the mirror, he can take a closer look at himself and realize that what he is looking at is a horrible, disgusting and despicable example of humanity.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Senate plans to remove Presidential confirmations

On Wednesday, a Senate committee moved forward on legislation that would eliminate the confirmation process of nearly 200 Obama Administration appointees.

200 appointees.

The bill, known as the 2011 Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act, which included participation from both Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Senate, would no longer require confirmation hearings. The act has been brought up because the Senate is apparently getting tired of having to sit through confirmation hearings and they believe this will speed up the process.

I have an idea. Maybe we should just do away with Congress completely. After all, Congress has seemingly become irrelevant every day, and they don't represent the interests of the American people anyway. Why not? Just have them transfer the legislative powers completely over to the President so we can have a full blown dictatorship in this country!

They just passed a budget that is only going to cut $350 million in spending this year, not $38 billion that was perpetrated. And now they're all off for Spring Break, but not before they decide on this bill to eliminate confirmation of more than 200 appointees.

I don't know about the rest of America, but Senate confirmations are especially important because it allows both parties to essentially interview and then approve of these people's confidence, integrity and commitment to the job. No question that some presidential appointees approved by the Senate have turned out to be a complete disgrace, but the process still allows the American people to see the kind of administration officials that will eventually be earning a salary from the people's tax money.

Furthermore, I don't want this administration to have the power to select anyone he chooses to help run certain functions of the federal government, whether its assistant positions in the U.S. military or individuals working for the Department of Defense. Looking at the people who worked for the Obama Administration in the past two years, one can say they all come from rather shady backgrounds. Remember Van Jones, the former green jobs czar, who is an openly admitted Communist? Or Anita Dunn, Obama's former presidential adviser who cared deeply for Chairman Mao? What about his current adviser Samantha Power who is married to Cass Sunstein, a man who practices Marxism on a daily basis? Is the Senate really serious about eliminating appointee confirmations at this time, even if the backgrounds of these people are rather anti-American?

House Speaker John Boehner has no idea what kind of man he is dealing with in the White House. I know most of these morons in Congress think this is just the same political game we've been playing in this country for centuries now and its all about Republican vs. Democratics or vice versa.

Mr. Speaker, this President is no Jimmy Carter, nor is he Bill Clinton. This is a self-described socialist, Marxist who's ultimate goal is to destroy this country. If you can't see the writing on the wall, you're doomed as well. Like I said, Congress is becoming irrelevant, it doesn't matter which party is in power.

We are dealing with a madman. The political game has been over for a while.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Liberal Hypocrisy 101

Yesterday during President Obama's budget speech, which was nothing more than total boredom, specifically he made an attempt to address the nation's long term debt problems... the tune of nearly $15 trillion that is. His speech was so far-left leaning, that apparently it seemed as though it put Vice President Joe Biden asleep.

When it came to Obama criticizing Republican lawmakers for refusing to raise taxes, one of the comments that President Obama said was "those who benefited most from our way of life can afford to give a little bit more... I don't need another cut tax cut and Warren Buffett doesn't need another tax cut."

Now let's analyze the President's comments for a moment. He wants to raise taxes on the wealthy people in this country because they can afford to give a little bit more. Radio talk show host Michael Savage made a good point yesterday which is this: Let's say Congress imposed a 100% tax on the rich and we take away all earnings of $250,000 and above, this tax would net about $1.4 trillion. The end result is that would fund the federal government for a couple of months.

Did you also know that if Congress were to take the profits of every single Fortune 500 corporation in America which is roughly the tune of more than $400 billion and allocate those funds into the federal government, it would also only last a couple of months? So let's tax the major corporations and the wealthy people, and that money will be gone in just a few months. I rest my case.

So if the super rich in this country can't save us, then what is President Obama's real agenda? Anti-capitalism? Destroy a free-market economy? I guess so. 

By the way, General Electric, didn't pay any income tax this last fiscal year. Should I also mention that Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of GE is on President Obama's economic advisory board, and GE also owns the Obama cheerleading news channel MSNBC? Conflict of interest? Deal with the devil? Again, I rest my case.

But President Obama's hypocrisy and flat out ignorance doesn't stop there. His liberal and socialist philosophy is this ambition that the wealthy should support the programs in the Federal Government, and in turn support the welfare and the social rejects in this country. Not once did he acknowledge and give credit where credit is due, which is the billions of dollars tax payers have to shove out of their hard earned money to compensate for the benefits of illegal aliens. California alone pays nearly $10 billion a year in the cost of illegal immigration, something that has drastically destroyed the State's economy and without a doubt, has no chance of recovery. But I suppose in President Obama's book, compensating for illegal aliens, is the generous form of socialism.

Furthermore, President Obama has failed to show any sympathy or consideration towards my generation and the generations of people to follow who will be inheriting this massive debt caused by both he and former President George W. Bush.

On March 20th, 2006, then Senator Obama stated "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Yes, we deserve better. And raising the debt limit? Isn't that exactly what Obama's little weasel of a Treasury Secretary is trying to do as we speak? 

So just five years ago, Obama showed remorse towards my generation over the country's reckless spending under Bush and a then-Republican controlled Congress, but totally refuses to acknowledge the reckless spending under his reign over the last two years and a Congress presided under Nancy Pelosi, who couldn't even pass the damn budget when it came due in September!

By the way, Mrs. Pelosi thinks "elections shouldn't matter as much as they do."  Moammar Gaddafi would be so proud, I'm sure. After all, Libya doesn't have any elections!

In the end, I really wish President Obama would have just come clean and admit to his anti-American stance. Please Mr. President, just say that the country is screwed and there is no way out. Not through higher taxes and not through the massive spending. You people in Washington can't even strike a balance between either of the two, much less address the problems alone. 

It is really getting pretty old, having to hear the constant hypocrisy and failing to address the issues this country is facing, and President Obama is simply embarrassing this country on every single point. Right now the United States is like the Titanic. We've already hit the iceberg and we're slowly sinking, but Obama is standing up there in the ship's bridge smiling and saying "its unsinkable!" 

Oh well! Tomorrow, lets see if we can survive in the frigid icy waters.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wachovia bank laundered Mexican drug cartels

Here's something that may deter anyone doing business with Wells Fargo, one of the largest U.S. banks that absorbed Wachovia Bank after the 2008 financial collapse. Oh, and by the way, they were a recipient of more than $25 billion in tax payer money.

The U.K. Guardian had reported that Wachovia Bank, since 2008 had laundered more than $378 billion in Mexican drug cartel cash. That is roughly one third of Mexico's gross domestic product.

The U.K. Guardian also took a shot against the mainstream news media in America for ignoring this story and rightfully so, because the liberal left would look at something as an 'attack on Hispanics', even though the story is simply breathtaking, not to mention corrupt.

Authorities involved in the investigation uncovered billions in wire transfers and cash exchanges throughout Mexico exchanges into Wachovia accounts. In March of 2010, Wachovia had settled the largest action brought under the U.S. Bank Secrecy Act.

While Wells Fargo admitted wrongdoing and agreed to pay $144 million as a settlement for federal charges, I wonder if they have any remorse for laundering money to drug cartels that have been responsible for grisly and brutal violence throughout Mexico and also putting American tourists in danger over the years?

I am also curious to know how much of that $25 billion in tax money may have gone to the laundering as well?

School bans students home packed lunches

It becomes a red letter day in America, when the government starts telling you what you can and cannot do. It is even worse when you find out that our public school system is simply becoming some kind of re-education camp for your children as if we were living in the days of Chairman Mao.

The Little Village Academy School, which is located in the people's corrupt republic of Chicago, basically tells students they can either eat cafeteria food only, or go hungry. Simply disgraceful.

The school, acting like nothing more than a prison, says that this policy, enacted a few years ago, was designed to encourage students to choose more healthier food choices. You may remember Michelle Obama going around the nation lecturing kids that they should eat carrots, instead of cupcakes, and then the next day she's at the White House chowing down on ribs and pizza. A little hypocritical isn't it?

Granted, students in our schools should get a nutritional and balanced diet, however they should not go without, if they simply choose not to eat at the school's cafeteria, and they're parents should have the right to pack their kids' own lunches and allow them to bring it to school. Remember the line, "let them eat cake."

This has apparently started a national debate on how schools are providing nutritional lunches to kids. Other schools across the country either have already enacted similar policies or are in the process of doing so.

Judging from news reports, the students at Little Village Academy hate the cafeteria food so much, they just throw it away. Kind of wasting money on school food, aren't we?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Government jobs open, despite budget crisis?

On Friday, Washington legislators agreed on a compromise which for now anyway, diverted a shutdown of the government. However they continue to find it unnecessary to get to the core of our fiscal issues. Republicans are still whining about spending, and meanwhile you have Democrats who want planned parenthood. Still no effective talks about reducing government and cutting spending in the public sector.

If that doesn't sound surprising to anyone, you may be shocked to realize that since the financial collapse of 2008, there have been little cuts on the local, state and federal government levels. Today more than 22 million Americans across the country are employees of the government. In other words, more people are working in public sector jobs with a largely inflated pension fund that tax payers are on the hook for, than people working in farming, manufacturing, forestry or technology industries combined.

People really are depending on the government.

And despite the fact that our yearly deficit is $1.4 trillion and our national debt is likely to exceed $15 trillion in just a few months, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is pleading with Congress to raise the debt ceiling limit, so we can borrow more money from China, without any consideration at all, to simply cut back the bloated bureaucracy of government.

Amid our financial crisis, the government continues to keep hiring. Yesterday, Fox Business released the most recent job openings in the federal government:

- $115,000 a year, to maintain a Facebook page
- $150,000 to $180,000 a year for equal opportunity compliance officers
- $100,000 to $150,000 for speechwriters

How embarrassing when millions of private sector jobs have vanished, yet spending money on positions like this are deemed necessary.

Another fact often overlooked is when the federal government comes out with its ridiculous numbers on the unemployment rate going down, most of the jobs being filled are usually in the public sector. Secondly, they tend to only count people receiving unemployment benefits after they had been laid off, as being legitimately unemployed. When people stop receiving the benefits, I guess the idiocies in the state and federal governments believe that those people somehow went back to work?

President Obama continues to spew this nonsense about becoming fiscally responsible.

When you're the President, or a Senator or a Congressman, and you're not smart enough to write your own damn speech and you end up paying a six figure salary to someone just to write it for you... maybe that is an indicator you should just shut the hell up.

Would that help cut cost on the federal level?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ivory Coast leader captured

After months of refusing to step down and thousands of people left dead, forces loyal to Ivory Coast president-elect, Alassane Ouattara, besieged a bunker where Laurent Gbagbo was in hiding and arrested him.

This marks an end to 10 years of rule by the Ivorian dictator and nearly five months of Ouattara trying to run the country since winning the election in November. Up until now, the country had been on the brink of facing, yet another civil war.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is calling this arrest as an indicator to other dictators who refuse to step down from power, will face serious consequences from the international community.

Because Gbagbo used military and security forces on his own people, there is considerable possibility that he shall likely be tried in the International Criminal Court.

Meanwhile, I'm sure the rest of the dictators in Africa and abroad are shaking in their boots and afraid of an upcoming unrest and overthrow of their governments. The events in the Middle East obviously show the Muslim Brotherhood's goal to start a Caliphate and the real possibility of something similar spreading throughout Africa should be in question.

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Government Slowdown, not Shutdown

So by midnight, our Federal Government will likely 'shutdown'.

Sounds like a typical scare tactic. In fact, the Federal Government will not necessarily shutdown, people will still go about they're daily lives as if nothing even happened. However, places such as National Parks and Museums will close, the IRS will be unable to process tax returns, the EPA won't be reviewing environmental impact studies and most government websites will be offline.

But the really good news, Congress won't be able to pass any laws.

That should actually make liberals very happy, when you consider that they spew this "we want freedom" philosophy all the time, and should also make conservatives happy as well, since they don't want big government.

And what is President Obama doing about this? Fund raising for his 2012 re-election...

True however, that President Obama apparently met with House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to discuss cuts in spending and as usual, neither one of these stupid political parties can find common ground. And it is apparent that neither party really has the consideration of the will for the American people.

Liberal Democrats want higher taxes for wealthy Americans, failing to take into consideration that once the super rich receive such tax increases, they'll move elsewhere... by the way, hypocrisy from the wealthy in Hollywood who are liberal, but don't want to participate at all in any form of sacrifice. Even if that was the case to impose a higher tax on every single millionaire or billionaire in this country, it would still accumulate to less than the yearly deficit of over $1 trillion and the national debt, which is likely to pass $15 trillion by the end of September.

As it stands right now, the main issue holding up the passage of a budget, is the fact that Senator Reid is whining about planned parenthood. Notice that liberals never seem to want to address abortion and have no problem with it, but they're against the death penalty? Apparently Senator Reid sincerely believes tax payers should pay into a program that supports planned parenthood for women, even though the country is fundamentally broke and can't afford the expense of other nationalized programs. So if tax payers pay for contraception to stop women from having babies, Senator Reid will be satisfied and a budget can be passed.

Sounds like Senator Reid is getting inspiration from Chairman Mao.

Conservative Republicans meanwhile want spending cuts, including military funding. In any case, our armed forces overseas should still receive their paychecks, which liberals again won't give any consideration to. It seems pretty clear that the spending is the actual problem in Washington D.C. Keep paying those ridiculous pensions to 22 million federal workers, and keep those borders open so we can pay billions of dollars each year on illegal immigration.

And finally, to be frank, the Democratic lawmakers both in the House and Senate, have nobody else to blame except themselves on this issue. They had last September, before the election, when they still controlled both houses in Congress to pass a budget. They failed to do so.

So, in my opinion, bring a government shutdown. It will not necessarily shutdown, but rather just slow down the process. And with the exception of tax payers still on the hook either way, I'd like to see this as a learning lesson for these dumb politicians in Washington. Maybe they can see the kinds of problems they've created for years.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yale sets up committee following sexual misconduct

Like many universities lately, Yale is having to rebuild its reputation following allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct steaming from its own students involved in fraternities and sororities.

Today, Yale announced it was setting up a new committee following a federal investigation which examined complaints that Yale has a "sexually hostile environment" and falling to respond to the allegations. Mary Miller, the Dean of Yale University said she had received a notice from the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights, but had yet to be served with the formal complaint.

Well apparently, there were earlier complaints from students. In October, the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity posted a You Tube video in which its members repeated chants promoting rape and in another incident, undergraduate students were forced to strip naked at a college party.

Fraternities and sororities on college and university campuses nationwide have irrepressibly promoted a hostile environment among their peers. Every year, it seems like there is some kind of new report of a college student either getting humiliated or hurt during a haze. Then you hear from the actual spokesperson of the fraternity or sorority and they completely 'condemn' the bad behavior. What a load of BS.

If you ask me, college fraternities and sororities have, for the most part, been the same group of punks and sluts they've been for the last 100 plus years. They run around promoting this platform that they're all about community service or promoting Greek awareness, when in fact, they're all a bunch of lazy drunken ivy-league morons who believe that they deserve something from everyone else for their barbarianism.

Then you have the sororities, none of these girls have probably ever been educated about safe sex. They'll go to some college party, become completely obliterated and have sex with two or three guys and in a few months, they'll be sitting around crying because they can't figure out how in the hell they got pregnant. So then they'll write letters to a Senator saying that abortion has to be legal because "I got raped on a university campus".

Give me a break.

As for Yale and other notorious universities like USC, I'm curious to know what the regents and chancellors are going to do to protect students that actually want to attend college to complete an education and get a degree, without the hostility from the fraternities and sororities. I'm imagining that little will actually be done. University of Wisconsin La Crosse is a prime example. They've tried to rebuild they're reputation after dealing with similarly "sexually hostile environments".

It all ends the same, they'll continue to promote the same environment in the same manner as before.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ivory Coast violence escalates

Remember the Ivory Coast? Maybe you don't, as it has been largely overlooked in the news media ever since the Middle East unrest began in December. I had initially wrote about the Ivory Coast several months ago when its President Laurent Gbagbo refused to cease power after an official election had demonstrated that his rival, Alassane Ouattara, was to become the country's new president.

Since then, Gbagbo has refused to leave quietly. He ordered all United Nations peacemakers to leave the country and refused to listened to recommendations by the African Union and the European Union has imposed sanctions on the Gbagbo government.

But now, the Ivory Coast has broken out into yet another civil war. It is no surprise, the country has experienced these problems for years, and since Gbagbo doesn't want to give up power as President, this has led the opposition lead by Ouattara, to take certain measures against the government.

Sound familiar to what is going on in Libya?

Troops loyal to Ouattara have killed more than 1,000 civilians, many of them beheaded with machetes. Yet he is asking the support of the United Nations to toughen up on 'peace making' to remove Gbagbo from power.

And there seems to be yet again, more breathtaking ignorance from President Obama. Here you have a man who refused to address the genocide in Libya for the better part of a week before the UN added sanctions and a 'No Fly Zone', and yet nearly the same genocide is going on the Ivory Coast... yet President Obama is supporting the Muslim winner Ouattara and his loyal military slaughtering more than 1,000 people.

I'm curious to know if President Obama is going to intervene in the Ivory Coast as well?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Eric Holder is a disgrace

Just moments ago, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder held a press conference at the Department of Justice in Washington to announce that the dirt-bag conspirators who orchestrated the 9/11 terrorist attacks will be held in a Military Tribunal court, instead of a civilian court.

That's a sigh of relief, as Holder and President Obama have stood by their original plan to hold a trial in civilian court right in Manhattan just blocks away from where the World Trade Center was destroyed.

However in today's press conference, Holder seemed extremely bitter about several things. He blamed Congress for intervening into the Administration's decision, saying that "They tied our hands in a way that could have serious ramifications. In reality, I know this case in a way that members of Congress do not. Do I know better than them? Yes." 

Apparently Mr. Holder has demonstrated that he is perhaps the most ineffective, ignorant and non-productive Attorney General in our nation's history. He should know that Congress has every right as representatives of the American people to add their opinion on this particular issue since it was the biggest tragedy in our nation's history and has deeply affected the families of those innocent people killed on that day. 

But Mr. Holder doesn't care anything about that. He seemed to ignore the fact that in several of the leading polls, more than 70% of Americans did not want the conspirators tried in a civilian court, much less in downtown Manhattan. And now, since Mr. Holder feels that the damn bipartisan Congress got in his way because they took into consideration the feelings of the American people, he is sour grapes about this.

Moreover, this circus involving Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and the rest of these despicable examples of humanity, has been delayed on a number of occasions because the Administration has yet to close Guantanamo Bay and they can't decide on which court would be more appropriate to hold a trial for these scumbags.

It has been almost ten years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on our country, and there is still too much talk and no walk. The Department of Justice could have picked any place to hold a trial, like out on a military base in Montana, or some deserted island south of Tahiti, and now after a year of wanting to hold the trial in New York City, Mr. Holder finally says they'll be held in a Military Tribunal instead of a civilian court and is adamantly angry about it.

Everything this Attorney General does is a complete disgrace. He refused to do anything about the Black Panther voter intimidation issue and refused to even read Arizona's illegal immigration law even though he spent an entire month criticizing it and now he stands by his original plan of trying the 9/11 conspirators in a civilian case, despite the fact that Congress listened to the will of the American people who didn't want them tried here in the first place.

Mr. Holder just go away. Please!

Kern County police officers on the other side of the law

As if California doesn't have enough problems already, The Bakersfield Californian reported yesterday on at least thirteen different police officers in Kern County throughout an 18 month period who participated in illegal activity while wearing a badge.

Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood, someone that I have been privileged to meet on a number of occasions, is in complete dismay over the actions of these police officers, telling the Bakersfield Californian "If you have to train someone not to have sex with an inmate and if you have to train someone not to pull people over and steal their money, we're really in trouble."

And it just goes to show that some of these officers, who are supposed to serve and protect, are actually stealing and provoking crime:

- A former Kern County Sheriff's Deputy, did indeed, pull motorists over and stole money from their wallets.

- A Kern County Sheriff's Sergeant was involved in an elder abuse case after becoming involved in a relationship with the person's daughter.

- One former Bakersfield police officer resigned after he paid for and engaged in sex acts with local prostitutes while on and off duty.

- Another Bakersfield police officer was under the influence and involved in a hit and run.

- A former Kern County Sheriff's Deputy was in possession of methamphetamine and prescription drugs.

- And, yet another Bakersfield police officer had possession of child pornography.

Perhaps, the most bizarre of them all, were two former Kern County Sheriff's Detention Deputies who engaged in having sex with prison inmates.

The actions by these despicable individuals who are supposed to serve and protect and uphold the law, not to mention who are also paid generously with tax money, is just disgraceful.

Sheriff Youngblood admits that the officers should all be held accountable and to a higher standard. But now the real question that remains: Will the Kern County Sheriff's Department take additional measures to train future police officers from engaging in illegal activity?

Having lived in Kern County my entire life, I can say that we have a very well respected police force. Nothing like some of the other corrupt police departments we've seen in other areas of the United States.

Nonetheless, Sheriff Youngblood has his work cut out for him and will have to take certain steps to ensure the Kern County Police Department's reputation is the same again.